Alter – Active Local Territories for Economic development of Rural Areas

18. October 2015.

Project aim: encouraging a favorable legal and financial framework for civil society, strengthening civil society as effective and accountable independent actors, improving their ability for dialogue with governmental institutions in order to improve policy and decision-making process in the sustainable development of rural communities.

Target group: regional thematic networks of civil society organizations

Duration: December 18 2015 – April 17 2019

Partners: (1) Rural Development Network of Serbia (coordinator), (2) Croatian Rural Development Network, (3) Rural Development Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina (4) Network for Rural Development of Kosovo (5) Network for Rural Development Macedonia (6) Rural development network of Montenegro, (7) Institute for Democracy and Mediation, Albania (8) Development Foundation of Turkey, Turkey (9) Latvian Rural Forum, Latvia.

Financing: The European Commission, the Civil Society Facility and the Media Programme 2014-2015 – Support to regional thematic networks of Civil Society Organisations

Project is co-financed by Government of Republic of Croatia – Office for cooperations with NGOs.
