We are leading a lot of new projects to upgrade and develop rural Croatia.
About Us
Croatian rural development network – HMRR is an organisation and a network of organisations that promotes sustainable development of Croatian rural areas since 2006. By working together, networking, partnership and knowledge transfer we aim to improve conditions for sustainable development and high-quality life in rural communities. At this moment, the Network counts 48 members.
HMRR members are registered civil society organizations on the territory of Republic of Croatia, that are interested and act for the benefit of rural Croatian areas at the local, regional and / or national level.
Farm to Fork Academy for Green Western Balkans – Our shared European future
As part of the Regional project 'Farm to Fork Academy for Green Western Balkans - Our shared...
Save the date
Dear partners and friends, We are proud to announce the 5th Croatian Rural Parliament which will be held from 21st to...
Canceled HRP
Dear friends and colleagues, We hereby inform you that the 5th Croatian Rural Parliament has unfortunately been...
Solidarity declaration for the people of Ukraine
Croatian Network for Rural Development, together with the Leader Networks of Croatia, ELARD, PREPARE and ERCA, signed...
2nd Balkan Rural Parliament
More than 60 various stakeholders from rural areas of the Western Balkan countries, including representatives of the...
Open call for short-term consulting engagement
Within the project NAGE (Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy) on which we are partner, activity 3.1.3. Establish...